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This document is a high-level overview of how to create acomplete CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)application using IDL (Interface Definiton Language) to defineinterfaces and the Java IDL compiler to generate stubs andskeletons. This document describes using the ImplBase InheritanceServer-Side Model.

The idlj compiler now generates server-side mappingsbased on the POA Inheritance Model as the default. Forcompatibility with existing applications, a new flag has been addedto the idlj compiler to allow it to generate server-sidemappings based on the ImplBase Inheritance Model,-oldImplBase.

NOTE: ImplBase is deprecated in favor of the POA model,but is provided to allow compatibility with servers written in J2SE1.3 and prior. We do not recommend creating new servers using thisnonstandard model.

This document contains:

  • The IDL for a simple 'Hello World'program
  • A server that creates an object andpublishes it with a naming service using the ImplBase server-sideimplementation
  • An application client that knows theobject's name, retrieves a reference for it from the namingservice, and invokes the object
  • Instructions for compiling andrunning the example

Defining the Interface(Hello.idl)

The first step to creating a CORBA application is to specify allof your objects and their interfaces using the OMG's InterfaceDefinition Language (IDL). IDL has a syntax similar to C++ and canbe used to define modules, interfaces, data structures, and more.The IDL can be mapped to a variety of programming languages. TheIDL mapping for Java is summarized in IDL to Java Language MappingSummary.

The following code is written in the OMG IDL, and describes aCORBA object whose sayHello() operation returns a stringand whose shutdown() operation shuts down the ORB. Tolearn more about OMG IDL Syntax and Semantics, link to the OMG Website, and read Chapter 3 of the CORBASpecification.


NOTE: When writing codein OMG IDL, do not use an interface name as the name of a module.Doing so runs the risk of getting inconsistent results whencompiling with tools from different vendors, thereby jeopardizingthe code's portability. For example, code containing the same namescould be compiled with the IDL to Java compiler and get one result. The same code compiled withanother vendor's IDL to Java compiler could produce a differentresult.

To complete the application, you simply provide the server( and client( implementations.

Implementing the Server(

The example server consists of two classes, the servant and theserver. The servant, HelloImpl, is the implementation ofthe Hello IDL interface; each Hello instance isimplemented by a HelloImpl instance. The servant is asubclass of _HelloImplBase, which is generated by theidlj compiler from the example IDL. The servant containsone method for each IDL operation, in this example, thesayHello() and shutdown() methods. Servantmethods are just like ordinary Java methods; the extra code to dealwith the ORB, with marshaling arguments and results, and so on, isprovided by the skeleton.

The HelloServer class has the server's main()method, which:

  • Creates and initializes an ORB instance
  • Creates a servant instance (the implementation of one CORBAHello object) and tells the ORB about it
  • Gets a CORBA object reference for a naming context in which toregister the new CORBA object
  • Gets the root naming context
  • Registers the new object in the naming context under the name'Hello'
  • Waits for invocations of the new object from the client

The HelloServer for the ImplBase server-sideimplementation differs only slightly from its POA counterpart. Thesections of the POA-based server that get a reference to the rootPOA and activate the POAManager are not necessary for thisimplementation, which follows:

Implementing the ClientApplication (

The example application client that follows is similar to theone presented in the defaulttutorial, however, the new Interoperable Naming Servicefeatures are not used in this example to preserve backwardcompatibility. The example client application:

  • Creates and initiliazes an ORB
  • Obtains a reference to the naming context
  • Looks up 'Hello' in the naming context and receives a referenceto that CORBA object
  • Invokes the object's sayHello() andshutdown() operations and prints the result

Building and RunningHello World

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Despite its simple design, the Hello World program lets youlearn and experiment with all the tasks required to develop almostany CORBA program that uses static invocation.

This example requires a naming service, which is a CORBA servicethat allows CORBAobjects to be named by means of binding a name to an objectreference. The namebinding may be stored in the naming service, and a client maysupply the name to obtain the desired object reference. The twooptions for Naming Services shipped with this version of Java SEare tnameserv, a transientnaming service, and orbd (Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS X orWindows), which is a daemonprocess containing a Bootstrap Service, a Transient Naming Service,a Persistent Naming Service, and a Server Manager. This exampleuses orbd.

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When running this example, remember that, when using Solarissoftware, you must become root to start a process on a port under1024. For this reason, we recommend that you use a port numbergreater than or equal to 1024. The -ORBInitialPort optionis used to override the default port number in this example. Thefollowing instructions assume you can use port 1050 for theJava IDL Object Request Broker Daemon, orbd. You cansubstitute a different port if necessary. When running theseexamples on a Windows machine, subtitute a backslash () in pathnames.

To run this client-server application on your developmentmachine:

  1. Create the program files or download and unzip
  2. Change to the directory that contains the fileHello.idl.
  3. Run the IDL-to-Java compiler, idlj, on the IDL file tocreate stubs and skeletons. This step assumes that you haveincluded the path to the java/bin directory in your path.

    NOTE: ImplBase is deprecated in favor of the POA model,but is provided to allow compatibility with servers written in J2SE1.3 and prior. We do not recommend creating new servers using thisnonstandard model.

    You must use the -fall option with the idljcompiler to generate both client and server-side bindings. Thiscommand line will generate the default server-side bindings, whichassumes the POA programming model. The -oldImplBase optiontells the compiler to generate the ImplBase Inheritance Modelserver-side bindings, instead of the default POA Inheritance Modelserver-side bindings. For more information on the idljoptions, see the idlj man page(Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS X orWindows).

    The idlj compiler generates a number of files. Theactual number of files generated depends on the options selectedwhen the IDL file is compiled. The generated files provide standardfunctionality, so you can ignore them until it is time to deployand run your program. The files generated by the idljcompiler for Hello.idl, with the -fall commandline option, are:


      This abstract class is the server skeleton,providing basic CORBA functionality for the server. It implementsthe InvokeHandler and the Hello interface. Itinherits from org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl. Theserver class HelloImpl inherits from_HelloImplBase.


      This class is the client stub, providing CORBAfunctionality for the client. It inherits fromorg.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl and implements theHello interface.


      This interface contains the Java version of our IDL interface.The interface inherits fromorg.omg.CORBA.Object, providing standard CORBA objectfunctionality. It also inherits from HelloOperations andorg.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.


      This class provides auxiliary functionality, notably thenarrow() method required to cast CORBA object references totheir proper types.The Helper class is responsible for reading andwriting the data type to CORBA streams, and inserting andextracting the data type from Anys. The Holder classdelegates to the methods in the Helper class for reading andwriting.


      This final class holds a public instance member of typeHello. Whenever the IDL type is an out or aninout parameter, the Holder class is used. It providesoperations for org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream andorg.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream arguments, which CORBAallows, but which do not map easily to Java's semantics. The Holderclass delegates to the methods in the Helper class for reading andwriting. It implementsorg.omg.CORBA.portable.Streamable.


      This interface contains the methods sayHello() andshutdown(). The IDL-to-Java mapping puts all of theoperations defined on the IDL interface into this file, which isshared by both the stubs and skeletons.

  4. Compile the .java files, including the stubs andskeletons (which are in the directory HelloApp). This stepassumes the java/bin directory is included in your path.
  5. Start orbd.

    To start orbd from a command shell on Solaris,Linux, or Mac OS X, enter:

    From an MS-DOS system prompt (Windows), enter:

    Note that 1050 is the port on which you want the nameserver to run. -ORBInitialPort is a required command-lineargument. Note that when using Solaris software, you must becomeroot to start a process on a port under 1024. For this reason, werecommend that you use a port number greater than or equal to1024.

    -ORBInitialHost is an optional command-line argument.For this example, since both client and server on running on thedevelopment machine, we have set the host to localhost.When developing on more than one machine, you will replace thiswith the name of the host. For an example of how to run thisprogram on two machines, see Running the Hello World Program on 2machines.

  6. Start the Hello server:

    To start the Hello server from a command shell on Solaris,Linux, or Mac OS X, enter:

    From an MS-DOS system prompt (Windows), enter:

    For this example, you can omit -ORBInitialHostlocalhost since the name server is running on the same host asthe Hello server. If the name server is running on a differenthost, use -ORBInitialHostnameserverhost tospecify the host on which the IDL name server is running.

    Specify the name server (orbd) port as done in theprevious step, for example, -ORBInitialPort 1050.

    When the server is running, it will echo the following messageback to the terminal:

  7. Run the client application:

    For this example, you can omit -ORBInitialHostlocalhost since the name server is running on the same host asthe Hello client. If the name server is running on a differenthost, use -ORBInitialHostnameserverhost tospecify the host on which the IDL name server is running.

    Specify the name server (orbd) port as done in theprevious step, for example, -ORBInitialPort 1050.

    When the client is running, the following message will echo tothe terminal:

When you have finished this tutorial, be sure to shut down orkill the name server (orbd). To do this from a DOS prompt,select the window that is running the server and enterCtrl+C to shut it down. To do this from a shell on Solaris,Linux, or Mac OS X, findthe process, and kill it. The server will continue to wait forinvocations until it is explicitly stopped.

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Running the HelloWorld Application on Two Machines describes one way ofdistributing the simple application across two machines - a clientand a server.

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