Rp_industrial17_v1 Download Mac

Sep 7th, 2015

A map with a long train rail system, NPC nodes for ground, striders and birds, HDR lighting and with a wire interface to control the rail switches and the color room. This worksho. Garry's Mod Workshop Falcon's Workshop rpindustrial17v1. Description Discussions 46 Comments 643 Change Notes. Start a New Discussion Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Start a New Discussion Showing 1-15 of 46 active topics 0 Jul 17 @ 2:36pm Broadcast.

Rp_industrial17_v1 Download Mac Os

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  1. [OOC] Jack Lore: not at all. but i know when i start up a server, the best way to maintain a playerbase is to belittle them so they know who the alpha male is ;)
  2. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: LOL
  3. [OOC] Jack Lore: 100% everyday the server is full! how do i contain it?
  4. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: we arent trying to build a fucking player base, see the god damn name of the server?
  5. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: so it's just an admin only server?
  6. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: we are trying to fix some shit.
  7. [OOC] Jack Lore: well you aren't fucking helping your problem by trash talking new players.
  8. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: I checked out your profiles, they look newly generated.
  9. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: What do you mean?
  10. [OOC] Jack Lore: they aren't lmao. i've been on this account for 5 years.
  11. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: Are you gonna play detective and ban us for no reason?
  12. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: i had to re-install this server 3 times.
  13. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: It doesn't sound like you're doing a good job at being an owner
  14. [OOC] Jack Lore: do you have like some kind of mental issue where you're paranoid about everything? yikes dude, stop being so hostile. we join the server looking for rp and you shit all over us. just like a good admin.
  15. [OOC] Jack Lore: sorry if i'm being mean but tbh you aren't a star yourself broski.
  16. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: Im honestly just trying to see who you people are, if you ask me you got the same attitudes as the same people who fucked us over.
  17. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: This really isn't looking good for your server.
  18. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: Look, I'll add you. I've owned my fair share of succesful servers and I just want to give you some advice.
  19. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: I honestly dont give a shit. The server isnt really much right now.
  20. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: So let me help make it better
  21. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: Im looking through the console, you just bought a resistance uniform?
  22. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: I found it in a crate in the laundromat
  23. [OOC] Mac Ranvoz: My mistake.
  24. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: Stop being so paranoid, dude. Your review isn't looking good so far.
  25. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: yeah your right, i am very paranoid. ill stop, but if i see any signs of.. you know what, im going to take action.
  26. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: it was not fun when the ass hole spammed /textadd IM SO FUCKING HORNY STICK IT IN MY DADDY HOLY SHIT IT FEELS GR8.
  27. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: map got fucked
  28. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: then he banned every one.
  29. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: no.
  30. [OOC] OTA-KING.EOW-24198: not sure how he gained it, i had like no staff at the time.
  31. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: this isn't gonna look to good on your c16 review
  32. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C18.95833: JUST STFU
  34. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: Admin, Razor is harassing me. Can you punish him?
  35. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: stop 'threatining' us
  36. [OOC] Jack Lore: nice spelling
  37. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: best ever <--- (HAHA EPIC JOKE!! XDDDDDDDDDDAD)
  38. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: I'm not threatening you dude, I'm just saying the roleplay is bad and it's going in the review
  39. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C18.95833: Man, I wish I could ban this kid for fucking being a minge.
  40. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: You're accusing me of being a 'fucking minge'? Sorry, partner, you're the asshole here and the review will reflect that.
  41. [LOOC] William Rivenson: Hello there
  42. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: I'm not a fan of your players.
  43. MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097 has kicked 'Aharon Bosmat' (I said stop.).
  44. Disconnect: I said stop..
  45. Connecting to
  46. Connected to
  47. CW: HL2 RP
  48. Players: 9 / 40
  49. Server Number: 23
  50. Atlantic Gaming. Under dev, Server was F*CKED m80's.
  51. cwhl2rp
  52. 40
  53. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: he is coming back so have a conversation with him.
  54. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: ...See?
  55. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: Right
  56. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: not*
  57. [LOOC] William Rivenson: Well i was about to talk to him
  58. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: Did I break any rules?
  59. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: i said stop about the review, your just spamming the fucking OOC chat. no one gives a fuck about your reviews.
  60. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: You're harassing me right now dude
  61. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: ok.
  62. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: sure.
  63. [OOC] MPF-Grid.EpU.C18.77892: we need some armor chargers or kever vest in the armory to re-fill out armor bar
  64. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: What does that mean
  65. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: I said stop with the reviews.
  66. [OOC] Jack Lore: wait did you really name your character derty harry
  67. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: your spamming basicly.
  68. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: But why, what's it to you and your server that me making a valid complaint is suddenly against the rules?
  69. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: your fucking spamming
  70. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: It's legit discussion
  71. [OOC] Derty Harry: Started as a joke char but now I just play on him
  72. [OOC] Jack Lore: why not? this is a serious rp server. that's like the biggest joke of a character i've seen on any rp server to date
  73. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: You seem to be the only admin who is in that 'mode' of rage
  74. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: we are so scared that you are writing a review. now your super powerful we get, fuck off.
  75. [OOC] Jack Lore: hah
  76. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: Are you seriously so inept that you can't take a hint and fix the many problems involved in your server?
  77. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: The fact that the owner barely knows how to develop, all of you are TOTAL ASSHOLES TO YOUR PLAYERBASE?
  78. [OOC] Jack Lore: why do all the mpf still have c18 in their names lol
  79. [OOC] William Rivenson: They havent changed it yet
  80. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C18.01.55097: the server just re-installed yesterday.
  81. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: Ok, so in your words, what do you think is the problem with the server? Tell me, truthfully.
  82. [OOC] MPF-UNION.C18.06.82633: Our previous map was City 18, and we forgot to rename the characters.
  83. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C18.95833: Jack Lore, I aplogize that our server can not fit your 'review', now if everything you say is 'This will reflect on your review' I will infact kick you, It is repetitive and it is annoying, please refrain from this
  84. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: my model just changed didnt it
  85. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: okee
  86. [OOC] Jack Lore: alright sorry you can't take critis
  87. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: any ways, yeah the server is pretty much shit, the plugins are fucked, the staff isnt very nice, we get it.
  88. [OOC] Jack Lore: criticism5^&
  89. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: And do you admit that you're a contributor?
  90. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Not everyone is perfect.
  91. [OOC] Jack Lore: what did i hurt your feelings lmao
  92. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: No.
  93. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: This server isn't perfect, it's terrible dude
  94. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Not at all.
  95. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: acutally the devoloper of the plugins kinda did a half ass problem.
  96. [OOC] Jack Lore: you don't have to hide your true feelings from me
  97. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: That makes sense considering none of the plugins are custom
  98. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: In my opinion its the best you'll get.
  99. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: If you look at the directory it's all been done by other people
  100. [OOC] Jack Lore: then you aren't trying hard enough.
  101. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: LemonPunch, I bet your from there.
  102. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Noooo, I'm sure.
  103. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: lemon punch started a new type of autism
  104. [LOOC] Aharon Bosmat: So IDK, I guess the owner is overestimating his ability
  105. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Anyway this server is in dev.
  106. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: If your gonna review it, Review it at a later date.
  107. [OOC] Jack Lore: sorry that like you're butthurt that i'm trash talking, and so you resort to belittling the people that are trashtalking you.
  108. [OOC] MPF-UNION.C17.06.82633: Okay, everyone let's calm down. Lets let the players RP and give us constructive criticism.
  109. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: I'm not trashtalking you.
  110. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: If this server was in dev you should have made it private instead of making it a bacterial farm of harassment
  111. [OOC] Jack Lore: i should watch my mouth so i don't crush any snowflakes in here.
  112. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Because we want to play the server?
  113. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: heh, your threatening to report us over and over dip-shit.
  114. [OOC] MPF-RAZOR.DvL.C17.95833: Its playable, but not finished.
  115. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: helix is part of the problem
  116. [OOC] Derty Harry: My god, these guys are so annoying
  117. [OOC] Jack Lore: report you? do you read what you type before you press enter
  118. [LOOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: *
  119. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: *
  120. [OOC] Jack Lore: i'm going to report you now
  121. [OOC] Jack Lore: gonna report you to conna wiles so he can ban you f
  122. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: Go to other servers and act like you own the place k?
  123. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: We're not threatening to report you, we're just gonna right a review that showcases the many faults of the server to the general public of C16 (the most elite roleplayers) so they can get a good idea of the state of the servers
  124. [OOC] Jack Lore: why wouldn't you want word to get out about your server?
  125. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: XD 'The most elite RPers' wow.
  126. [OOC] Jack Lore: why is that funny
  127. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: how about we get rid of you so we can carry on.
  128. [OOC] Jack Lore: thats nice, silence opposition so they can't speak./
  129. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: Ok, I guess I'm gonna hack into your FTP and delete your server for the fourth time?
  130. [OOC] Jack Lore: so you can stay in your hugbox and have everybody tell you it's ok.
  131. [OOC] Derty Harry: Can you guys gtfo of our server?
  132. [OOC] Aharon Bosmat: You got me. I was the guy, and you're about to get really badly fucked in the ass again.
  133. [OOC] MPF-HELIX.C17.01.55097: bai
  134. [OOC] William Rivenson: Oh noes its almost as if we cant reinstall shit in 2015
  135. Disconnect: Lol bai.
  136. Connecting to

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